Points To Remember Before You Sell Your Company

Selling a business is a major transaction. It's not something to be taken lightly, and it requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help Sell My Company: Review Your Assets Before you put your business up for sale, it’s important to review your company’s assets, liabilities, and equity. This will help you determine the Small Business Valuation and how much money is needed to make a deal happen. Assets – What do you have that could be sold? This includes buildings, equipment, vehicles and more. Liabilities – What do you owe? If a buyer agrees to assume these debts then they become part of their responsibility as well as yours if they don't pay them off after purchase (i.e., bank loans). Equity – How much of the company are you willing to sell? You may want or need all of it but sometimes leaving some equity in place can help keep employees motivated and working hard during transition periods when new owners take over operations Develop Your Strateg...